October, 22-24, 2025, Saint Petersburg
Aquaculture is a driver for the development of the fishing industry. The growth rate of world production of aquaculture products exceeds the growth of world catches of wild fish, which allows to preserve the populations of aquatic biological resources of the seas and oceans and the sustainability of ecosystems. Russia possesses the largest natural resources for the cultivation of aquaculture and mariculture products and actively increase the development of the sector.

Starting from 2021 within the framework of Seafood Expo Russia a special area has been allocated for the exposition of aquaculture enterprises. It presents manufacturing companies, fish farms, as well as enterprises that support the activities of aquaculture farms: manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, net knitting factories, manufacturers of feed, additives and veterinary drugs.
In 2021, the section had 56 exhibitors. In addition to the participating companies themselves, professional associations are also represented there, for example: the Association of Trout Breeders of Karelia, the Association "Rosrybkhoz", the Far Eastern Union of Mariculture Enterprises. The Retail Center is located near the aquaculture zone, within the framework of which the exhibition participants negotiate the sale of products with representatives of the specialized management of retail chains.
Special attention is paid to aquaculture and mariculture within the framework of the business program. A separate day is given within the forum to consider global issues of development of the sector, as well as practical aspects of the organization and operation of aquaculture enterprises, study the successful experience of introducing technologies for growing fish and seafood. The events are attended by the first persons of the relevant authorities of Russia and from abroad, recognized experts, heads of enterprises, representatives of fishery associations and organizations.