Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia

Catching and processing are key stages in the production of fish products. All industry processes are dependent on it or aimed at securing catching. Processing can significantly increase the value of the catch.


For these reasons, the “catching and processing” section is the largest at the exhibition. It has been present at the exhibition since the first Seafood Expo Russia 2017 and is expanding every year. The traditional participants in the section are the largest Russian fishing companies: Antey, Norebo, Karelian Fishing Fleet, Okeanrybflot, South Kuril Fish Processing Plant, Nakhodka Base of Active Marine Fishing (NBAMR), Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet, Russian Fish Company, Sigma Marine Technology, Russian Fish Company, Gidrostroy, FEST, FOR Group, Fishing Kolkhoz im. Lenin, Dalkrevetka and others. in 2021, the section consisted of 107 companies.

The issues of fishing regulation and its environmental certification, development of information systems for catching support, promising technologies for the extraction and processing of aquatic biological resources, the search for promising objects and fishing areas are also discussed within the framework of the business program.

Timur Kamaev
Head of sales department
Olga Ryabtseva
Sales manager
Kirill Aleksandrov
Sales manager
Maryana Demchenko
Sales manager